Change Em Ways Men’s Behavioural Change Program
| Dijun Way YoungN Deadly | On Country Camps & Activities |
The Change Em Ways (CEW) program is designed for Aboriginal men who wish to stop using violence, by applying a holistic approach to increase the safety of families, reduce family violence, and strengthen the social and emotional well-being of all those involved. It does this through therapeutic group workshop sessions with the male participants as well as working individually with their partners.
This unique trauma-informed cultural framework compels each participant to face the consequences of his actions and the impact on his family, whilst also healing. Throughout the program there is acknowledgment of intergenerational trauma, post-colonial experiences of grief and loss, and the historical and socio-political context in which Indigenous family violence occurs, which empowers men to change their own behaviour.
CEW is a three-stage journey:
- Stage one is assessment of men who have been referred to the program, to determine suitability for participation.
- Stage two is an intensive workshop, running three days per week with one day per fortnight where men go “back to Country” for On Country group activities.
- Stage three is five months of outreach support, follow-up contact and counselling sessions, periodic group cultural activities and referrals to relevant support agencies.
The program is based upon four core principles:
- Safety, Accountability & Responsibility
- Support for Women & Children
- Strength-based Trauma-Informed Healing
- Respect for Country, Culture & Family
In supporting change for men, Change Em Ways (CEW) recognises the need for women to have a voice in the men’s behavioural change (MBC) process and a safe space to reflect on their own understanding and experience of family domestic violence. The CEW model includes the Strong Women, Strong Families (SWSF) partner support service which runs simultaneously to the men’s program.
Empowering People, Strengthening Families and Building Social & Emotional Wellbeing (SEWB) in Communities.